Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Updates on Channel YOUTH Chuan Hoe

Hello people, here's a brief update about what's going on with the youth.

1. We've started a youth blog, which is only accessible to the youth, obviously. We use it to brainstorm on ideas for upcoming social + meetings, as well as to rant on anything.

2. We have regular "Patriarchs & Prophets" study sessions conducted by Olivine on weeks which we don't have Pathfinder (namely, 2nd and 4th week). We study 1 chapter of the book each lesson.

3. We're having more social nights these few months, and our most recent ones are: Soccer with Balestier Youth and kite flying. We're still trying to liaise with the youth from other churches. Adults are invited to join us, of course.

That's all I guess. It hasn't been very long since we've started this ball of happening stuff rolling, so we still need a lot of support! Meanwhile, please pray all of us!

Thank you for joining me on Channel YOUTH Chuan Hoe, please tune in for more updates!

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Thank you for sharing with us. Please continue to update us on youth activities.